2020 Veterans Day Activities

Date of Release: 
November 09, 2020

Below are various activities scheduled by the City of Paducah and other organizations to honor veterans on Veterans Day, November 11.  This list may not include all of the local events.  Please check with churches or other organizations to learn more about local activities to honor and celebrate veterans.

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to keep our veterans safe and healthy, the annual Veterans Day Parade will not be held this year. 

Sunrise Reveille:  The City of Paducah has organized a Veterans Day Sunrise Reveille.  The event will begin at 6 a.m. at the corner of Broadway and Water Street on November 11.  Reveille will be played at 6:30 a.m. along with the raising of the flag by members of the U.S. Coast Guard.  Broadway will be closed to traffic from the last entrance to the gazebo parking lot toward the floodwall opening for the event.  Please wear a facial covering and maintain social distancing. 

City Manager Jim Arndt, who served in the U.S. Army (1990-1993), said, “I love this holiday. It’s a powerful way for recognizing our active and former members of the military.  I urge everyone to take some time on Veterans Day to thank veterans for their service.”

Distinguished Veteran Award, Patriot Award, and Essay Winners:  The City of Paducah is partnering with WPSD Local 6 to honor the winners of the Distinguished Veteran and Patriot awards.  During WPSD’s Midday newscast on November 11, WPSD will be honoring the award winners and showcasing the winners of the Veterans Day Essay & Poster Contest, a contest for students in kindergarten through 12th grade hosted by the Parks & Recreation Department and the Daughters of the American Revolution.

sunrise reveilleCity of Paducah Employee Veterans:  Please take a few minutes to view this nearly six-minute video which is a special tribute to current City of Paducah employees who have served this country or who currently are serving.  We are proud to honor these 50 employees. 

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Unveiling of American Flag Mural:  On Veterans Day, Paducah Quilt Murals Inc. will be unveiling the second panel of the Quilt City USA® mural series.  The quilt “…and Our Flag was Still There!” created by Melinda Bula from El Dorado Hills, California and painted by Stefanie Graves, Cowango Studios in Paducah, will be unveiled at 11 a.m. at the floodwall adjacent to the Schroeder Expo Center and Julian Carroll Convention Center at 415 Park Street. For social distancing, interested onlookers are encouraged to view the unveiling from their vehicles in the parking lot facing the murals. The mural will be available for public viewing at any time after the official unveiling.

McCracken County Public Library Event with Author Col. Fred Johnson:  The McCracken County Public Library is holding a virtual Veterans Day event at 7 p.m. on November 11.  The event will be led by Col. Fred Johnson (U.S. Army Retired).  Johnson is the author of Five Wars: A Soldier’s Journey to Peace.  Johnson, an inspired storyteller, is the 2019 Male Kentucky Veteran of the Year.  He is a retired Infantry Colonel and Bronze Star for Valor recipient who served 29 years in the U.S. Army to include deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia.  For more information about the Library’s event, contact Adult Programming Coordinator Bobbie Wrinkle at bwrinklemclib.net.

To join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 844 6921 3332
Passcode: veteran
