Downtown Parking Public Engagement Open House

Date of Release: 
February 10, 2020

Date of release:  February 10, 2020 

parking open house graphicThe City of Paducah is providing an opportunity for the public to provide feedback on parking in Paducah’s historic downtown.  The engagement session will be an open house format allowing the public to stop by the atrium of City Hall any time between 2 and 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 13.  
During this open house, attendees can learn more about the current parking study underway, provide their input on their experiences parking downtown, and give feedback on ways to improve access and mobility throughout the downtown. 
Paducah Main Street Director Katie Axt says, “Over the past few weeks we have received numerous comments about parking in downtown.  This is an organized open house where attendees can see data collected so far for the parking assessment and provide us parking feedback and their parking stories.  These one-on-one conversations help the City provide better service and public amenities to our residents and visitors today and in the future.” 
In December 2019, The City of Paducah contracted with Concepts21 to conduct a parking assessment on 12 blocks of downtown Paducah with a focus area around the current parking lot at 2nd and Broadway. 