Repair of Storm Sewer in Jefferson and South 28th Street/Joe Clifton Drive Intersection

Date of Release: 
October 14, 2024

During this month’s milling and paving project on Jefferson Street, crews discovered a storm sewer pipe that needs to be replaced. Crews with Jim Smith Contracting, the contractor working for the City of Paducah, are returning today to replace the section of storm sewer in the intersection of Jefferson Street and South 28th Street/Joe Clifton Drive. This work will affect the southbound lanes of traffic. Crews will work to keep one lane of traffic open; however, there will be times that traffic will need to detour. This work is expected to take approximately one week, weather permitting.

Please use caution, watch for the work crews, and respect the traffic control devices. Flaggers will be present.

The City of Paducah maintains more than 220 miles of streets. Visit Streets for a map showing upcoming paving projects.

