Objective - Housing
Continued investment in the improvement of our housing stock to help grow our community.
Note: This has been a City Commission priority since 2021.
Housing Priority Details
- Expectations and Tactics
- Complete the update to the Paducah-McCracken County Comprehensive Plan.
- Evaluate incentives and expand financial support to incentivize developers.
- Increase residential downtown development.
- Support development of Katterjohn building side (1501 Broadway) as a midtown housing site.
- Work with Paducah Alliance of Neighbors and developments to expand role in building new housing.
- Accomplishments - 2021 to Present
Comprehensive Plan
- 2022 - City met with McCracken County staff and the Planning Commission Chair to discuss a partnership for the Comprehensive Plan update. A Request for Proposals in partnership with McCracken County for a City/County Comprehensive Plan was issued with responses due in November 2022. Three responses received with Kendig Keast Collaborative selected.
- 2023 - The City approved an interlocal agreement with the County in February 2023 to create a Joint City-County Comprehensive Plan. The City and County held a joint workshop in April 27. Listening sessions with community members were held in April and in June with a Forum on the Future open house engagement session held June 20, 2023 with approximately 80 in attendance. An online community survey gathered more than 1150 responses.
- 2024 - The second and third joint City/County workshops were held January 25 and October 3 with the presentation of the six themes and an overview of the draft plan. A public forum was held November 13 to review the draft. On November 19, a joint meeting of the City and County planning commissions approved the plan and recommended it for adoption by the City and County.
- 2025 - A joint City/County meeting was held January 27 to introduce the final plan. The City adopted the plan at its regular meeting on January 28 with the County adopting the plan on February 17.
Developers Planning Department held a one-day workshop on March 7, 2024, for local developers led by Incremental Development Alliance.
Dunlap Apartments/Jetton Schoolhouse Redevelopment Project The City provided $100,000 in roofing assistance for this private project, Dunlap Apartments, to renovate the former schoolhouse.
Homeless and Transitional Shelters Collecting data and reviewing existing programs for homeless shelters and transitional housing. Mayor Bray and staff held preliminary conversations with stakeholders. Providing funds through the grant-in-aid application program to support the Salvation Army’s feasibility study for transitional housing.
Housing Incentive Staff is researching case studies on providing housing incentives. City staff has held discussions with developers interested in providing housing stock for Southside neighborhoods. Staff also launched in 2023 an incentive program for residential stabilization and beautification grant opportunities. Staff met with the Southside Steering Committee in December 2022 and January 2023 to gather feedback. An incentive program for Southside businesses along with residential incentives for a section of Southside (portions of Walter Jetton and Uppertown) was approved June 2023.
Incremental Development Alliance In 2023, an initial workshop for local developers was held. A one-day workshop for small-scale developers was held March 7, 2024.
Katterjohn Property At its January 28, 2025, meeting, the Paducah Board of Commissioners authorized the release of a request for proposals (RFP) for the 3.21-acre vacant property located at 1501 Broadway (former Katterjohn property). The goal is to attract a wide range of developers interested in using the property for housing with proposals which could involve single-family residences or a more-dense commercial structure. The City purchased the property which included the deteriorated Katterjohn building in 2023 after previous owners had failed to properly maintain the structure. In 2024, the City approved a demolition contract to remove the dilapidated structure. The site is now cleared and ready for redevelopment.
Neighborhood Surveys Initiated Northside Residential District Survey as part of the process to place the Northside Neighborhood on the National Registry for tax incentives. Completed 18 (out of 50) neighborhood/housing surveys with four in process as part of the Comprehensive Plan updates.
Ordinance Updates Amended zoning ordinance to allow multi-family housing in the H-2 zone (Lowertown). Also updated zoning ordinance to provide regulations for short-term rentals and cottage homes.
Paducah Alliance of Neighbors Paducah Alliance completed the construction of three homes in Fountain Avenue Neighborhood near the Health Park. Paducah Alliance is continuing its efforts to become a Community Development Corporation. In July (2021), the City transferred a vacant lot at 513 North 14th Street to Midtown Alliance for the construction of a single-family home. Additionally, the City transferred property to Habitat for Humanity for a new home site. Paducah Alliance is working with the Housing Authority of Paducah to secure financing and plans for new housing in the Jetton Neighborhood.
Planning Commission - Housing During 2022, the Paducah Planning Commission approved 196 multi-family units and 56 residential lots for single-family homes.
Surplus Properties The City's surplus properties and foreclosure properties have been mapped for future development consideration. Several surplus properties were transferred in 2021 and 2022 including 1039 Madison Street, 1011 Broadway, 1243 North 13th Street, 832 North 7th, 836 North 7th, 626 Boyd, 1404 Madison Street, and 4524 Buckner Lane. The City advertised 92 surplus property parcels for redevelopment in May 2022. To encourage redevelopment and the construction of homes, the City is providing house plans at no charge with a surplus property transfer. Ten surplus property parcels were transferred in 2023.
Commission Priorities
Read all Commission Priorities and Continuous Improvement Items including each action item's objective and expectations by visiting Commission Priorities.