Protecting Key Historical and Cultural Resources

Objective - Protecting Key Historical and Cultural Resourceshistory book icon

Collaborate with community partners to support and invest in the historical and cultural resources unique to Paducah.

Note: This was a 2022 City Commission Priority, a continuous improvement item in 2023, and a priority in 2024.

Historical and Cultural Resources Expectations and Tactics

  • Implement the Rhodes Heritage Group's recommendations for the Hotel Metropolitan.
  • Provide a $500,000 match to the Columbia Theatre to stabilize the facade contingent upon the Columbia's successfully raising remaining funds.

Accomplishments - 2022 to Present

National Park Service Paul Bruhn Grant

At its September 17, 2024, meeting, the Paducah Board of Commissioners accepted the National Park Service Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant. This competitive grant, which does not require a local match, will provide $750,000 to support economic development through the preservation of historic buildings. Once the city develops the application process and criteria and receives approval of the process from the National Park Service, the funds would be used to provide grants up to $100,000 each for the rehabilitation of historic properties in the Central Business District, Market House District, and Southside community. Funds also would be used to provide environmental technical support to those receiving subgrants. All properties awarded subgrants through this program must be listed in the National Register of Historic places by the end of the grant period. Properties may be listed individually or identified as contributing to a listed historic district.

Consulting Services Related to Historical Assets & Neighborhoods.  

  • At the June 28, 2022, Commission meeting, the Board authorized the initiation of a request for proposals (RFP) for consulting services related to preservation assessment and stewardship of certain historic assets and neighborhoods. Rhodes Heritage Group was selected with a contract signed in October 2022. The project focuses on the Hotel Metropolitan, the Oscar Cross birth house, Columbia Theater, Stuart Nelson Park, and the Southside.
  • After multiple meetings with stakeholders and on-site visits, Monica Rhodes, Rhodes Heritage Group founder and president, along with Paducah native, Brent Leggs, presented an overview in October 2023 of the Preservation Opportunities Assessment report which provides preservation recommendations for each historic site or area. Rhodes called Paducah a “trailblazer” for the desire to preserve and be stewards of its local cultural legacy.

Preservation Opportunities Assessment Report by Rhodes Heritage Group

Columbia Theatre. At its February 13, 2024, meeting, the Paducah Board of Commissioners pledged $500,000 for the stabilization of the Columbia Theatre’s façade. The Columbia Theatre, built in 1927, is located at 504 Broadway. The building needs repairs with Columbia Art House working to find funding to complete the stabilization which is estimated to cost $1.5 million. The City’s pledge is contingent upon the Columbia Art House successfully raising the remaining funds before June 30, 2026. 

Mellon Foundation Grant Application on Behalf of Upper Town Heritage Foundation - Hotel Metropolitan. At its April 23, 2024, meeting the Paducah Board of Commissioners approved applying to the Mellon Foundation for the Humanities in Place grant on behalf of the Upper Town Heritage Foundation for the Hotel Metropolitan and Purple Room located at 724 Oscar Cross Avenue. At its August 13, 2024, meeting the Board accepted the grant on behalf of the Upper Town Heritage Foundation. The City will serve as the fiscal agent for the $1.34 million grant by passing funds to the Upper Town Heritage Foundation. The funds are for capital improvements to the Hotel Metropolitan and the Purple Room and to build the capacity of their board and organization as a whole.

The Humanities in Place grant funding will be used to ensure the longevity of the Hotel Metropolitan and Purple Room through building improvements, strategic planning and board training to build organizational sustainability, the addition of staff to enhance organizational capacity, and increased programming to activate the site’s compelling history. The Purple Room is an accessory building of the museum that was constructed during segregation for parties, community meetings, and performances.

As part of this agreement, the City of Paducah will serve as the grant’s fiscal agent and be jointly responsible for the oversight of the grant program. The partnership details are defined in a three-year co-stewardship agreement between the City and the Upper Town Heritage Foundation which was approved by the City on March 4, 2025. Contingent upon the completion of a co-stewardship agreement, the City of Paducah is pledging a $250,000 grant match for the fiscal year (FY2025) and contingent upon approval through the annual budgeting process and successful implementation of the co-stewardship agreement, the City pledges additional funding for FY2026 and for FY2027 in an amount of $250,000 for each fiscal year.

Dr. Stuart Nelson. Staff is attending the McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission meetings and participating in the design for the Paducah Sports Park which will include honoring Dr. Stuart Nelson. 

Commission Priorities

Read all Commission Priorities and Continuous Improvement Items including each action item's objective and expectations by visiting Commission Priorities.